Since my ex left at the start of the month all I can say is I feel like I have been constantly challenged by the universe if I have the strength to do this on my own.  This is my first challenge.

On the 20th of October I went to the bus stop to get my kids from the bus and could see my daughter was not well she walked off the bus then collapsed on the grass saying she was tired and didn’t want to walk home I didn’t think much of this at the time because she had a late night the night before with fighting going to bed. But I still felt maybe something was up. She came home and went straight to sleep so I left her hope she would come right after a sleep but that was not meant to be. By 11 she woke up and had a very high temp of 38.7 so I got her in a shower and gave her Panadol doing everything in my power to bring her temp down. This is the first time I felt fear as a single parent I didn’t know if I would have to take her to hospital and wake the boy and all get in the car. I tried to contact her dad who is currently still in town until he moves and he didn’t answer his phone was off. I managed to get her temp down and in the morning the vomiting started. I called the doctors and managed to get her into see someone they said her tonsils were swollen and ears a little read but thought it was viral gave her medication to try and stop the vomiting and Panadol to help with her temperatures.

All Saturday it was on and off she wouldn’t keep anything down the temps only came down when she had medication on board and during the night she woke up with 39.3. I was very lucky my exs mum came up to give me a hand and stay with me to get me through this first sickness. On Sunday we both agreed my daughter was not getting better and she was so weak so I took her to the hospital. They gave her throat a swab but said the same thing take her home hopefully it will sort itself out. Sunday afternoon my ex’s mum took my big boy up to his aunties to have a night away and he returned Monday morning. On Monday which was a public holiday my ex’s mother went home but I kept feeling something wasn’t right. So I ended up taking her to the doctors on call I felt like if it was what I kept getting told she would be getting better but she wasn’t. I had to get all three kids in the car to take them down and try juggling while waiting for the doctor to see my daughter the boy were board but they got through it.

Finally the doctor came into the room and examined by daughter and then it was found my daughter had tonsillitis  both ears infected full of puss and conjunctivitis. I felt relieved that I had an answer but so mad that they didn’t pick it up before hand. What would of happened if I didn’t keep pushing it could of gotten so much worse. But she was prescribe the right medication and in a few days started to become right. I am so happy I stick to my guns I hate to think what could of happened to her if I didn’t considering a young boy died of case of misdiagnosed viral  thing the doctors not picking up tonsillitis and he got sepsis and that was on the news the Monday I took by daughter back in.

For the week my daughter was recovering my ex’s mum came back to give us a hand and I was so incredible grateful. But I also learnt something about my self I may of had a little help but even if I didn’t I was going to be okay I know my children better than anyone and I am Willing to fight no matter what for them.

As a MUM trust your instinct you know when something not right believe in yourself you will do what’s right for your children. But also the fear I felt doing it with my ex for the first time was very real but I know I can this was just my first Hurdle.


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