Chicken Pox or Not Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox or Not Chicken Pox that is the question.

So this one started when I had a night out on Saturday the 29th it was an amazing night filled with fun and great friends but I had my 5 month old with me so I had to still be responsible but still had to many drinks to drive the next morning when my ex wanted me back to take over with the kids. I informed my ex I was not ready to drive and he would have to bring the kids out to my friends lifestyle block which he did and I was very thankful.

When the kids got to my friends house they wanted to go out and play in the chicken pen which I thought was fine. They held the chickens and played around for quiet a long time having fun.

The next day was Halloween and I was super excited to take the kids in to town in there little outfits for some trick or treating which was put on by local businesses. When my 6 year old boy took off his school clothes he was covered in small pimply spots which was such a concern there were all over his tummy and down his legs. I called the doctors straight away because I was concerned it would be chicken pox and wanted to be prepared due to having my 5 month old. When we finally got seen by a doctor he confirmed it was chicken pox and then prescribe treatment to help with the itch.

That was all okay I informed my friends that I was told my son had chicken pox and to be aware for there children. My son and daughter both had spots by that night so I thought I was sure that’s what I was dealing with. But they did not have any other signs I kept them home from school to be responsible but they were going stir crazy had so much energy weren’t having fevers or anything and were just acting like there regular selves. Within 24 hours my daughter spots were gone and she was not itchy at all. This is the first thing i found strange I thought chicken pox lasted longer and got worse before getting better. With in 24 hours my son spots were less aggravated and where starting to lighten in color and he was no longer itchy but he still had spots so I kept him home. By Wednesday some of his spots had disappeared this is when I questioned if it was chicken pox at all and did some research to fine out that mite or lice bits can look like chicken pox but go away faster with no symptoms. Then Thursday morning more spot were gone and was absolutely fine so I decided that he was going to be okay and do not believe I was dealing with Chicken pox at all.

The Stress I felt thinking that what i was dealing with was real I was so concerned for the baby and didn’t want to see my kids sick anymore. I feel like this was my second big challenge within the month but we got through and I now feel stronger then ever that I can do this on my own it hard very hard but when you take everyday as it come and just try it can be absolutely amazing what you can achieve.

I am starting to love been a Single mum its hard but my kids make it so worth it I could never live my life without them. Everyday we all achieve something together and the bond we are forming is like no other.

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